Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Online Clothing Stores

Most people associate "vegan" clothes with potato sacks, but times they are a-changin'. These clothes actually have some style (although some more than others):
And, for those of you who aren't already convinced that leather and fur-free products are the way to go, you MUST check out these videos.
Some of you will shy away from these videos because you know it will upset you; yet you will continue buying leather shoes and fur-lined jackets. Please recognize how ridiculous this is; if these practices are so upsetting and you couldn't do it yourself, then why is it okay to pay someone else to do it?


Rachael said...
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Rachael said...

Thanks for the post Corinne. I buy a lot of clothing online from next clothing but I must admit that I haven't really considered how the materials are produced. I think a lot of people would opt for greenier, organic and more ethical goods if they didn't have to often pay a lot more for the privilege. It is ok for people who have alot of wealth, but poorer people will always go for the cheaper options.

Noeil said...

If you are looking for organic clothing, check out these organic dresses or organic jeans by Machja.
I can guarantee you the high quality, since I work for the company. :)