Thursday, December 27, 2007

Grassfed = Grassfed

The USDA has passed a standard for grass-fed meats!!

"...grass and/or forage shall be the feed source consumed for the lifetime of the ruminant animal, with the exception of milk consumed prior to weaning. The diet shall be derived solely from forage and animals cannot be fed grain or grain by-products and must have continuous access to pasture during the growing season."

1 comment:

cowhounds said...

USDA's Claim does not address milk substitutes, which in many cases is dried animal products. The term growing season leads to you believe that these animals are on pasture their entire lives. Mnay areas have less than 3 months " growing season." These animals can still be fed hormones and antibiotics,and there is no Humane treatment standard so when you see a USDA grassfed label, you're still possibly buying hormones, antibiotics, confined animals, that may have been given mild replacers. There is also another section that says that if you have to feed grain, you can do so, but you just have to document it. Read the fine print, and you'll still need to ask lots of questions.